January sale: 15% off use code 15off at checkout

  • Westie is currently on a combination of Cool & Collected and Ride & Relax, to give him extra energy as he is quite lazy. This keeps his coat shiny, and maintains his beautiful condition. He has a calmer temperament with a molasses free diet. He is winning in-hand and ridden show classes. Allen & Page feeds are easy to use and he loves them!
    Amanda Williams, Westie
    For Facebook
  • Barbie is 25 years old and a very good doer. She is fed on Veteran Light because it has all the nutrients she needs for her age without piling on the pounds. Everyone comments on how great she looks & how they can’t believe her age. Winning the Scottish VHS Veteran of the Year title only goes to show how this feed benefits her.
    Amy Harkins, Barbie
    Amy Harkins
  • In 2013, Sam, now aged 19 retired from military duties as he had been diagnosed with navicular and arthritis in both hocks. On advice from Allen & Page’s very helpful nutritionists, during the challenging summer months, I have changed his feed from Fast Fibre to Veteran Light. Sam continues to compete at local shows winning best condition and working hunter classes. Sam is in very good condition, I am grateful for the help and advice given by the Allen & Page nutritionists.
    Julie Percival, Sam - Irish Sports Horse
    WP 20131109 016 2
  • Harvey was carrying too much weight and struggling with his work because of this. I discussed with Allen & Page how we could get his weight down and we decided to put him on Fast Fibre with a lite and healthy chaff and a bit of Power & Performance to keep his energy levels up and also to soak his hay. In two months he lost 24kg. Harvey has so much more energy since being on his new feed and losing weight, he still has more to lose but we are confident it will keep coming off. I can’t thank Allen & Page enough for helping us to sort Harvey's weight out.
    Donna Hudson, Harvey - Welsh Cross
  • Yoyo bless him turned 30 this year so we did decide to retire him as he wasn't coping well with the travelling to shows, however he is still doing fab and is on Veteran Vitality morning and night. Apart from a few grey hairs, the vet couldn't believe his age! So thank you!
    Laura Smith, Kinellen Yeoman - Shetland
    YoYo Image 1
  • Your feed has made a wonderful improvement to both my horses. My more advanced horse has been fed on Calm & Condition for 6 years, and he is staying the perfect weight while still having enough energy to compete at PSG level, without blowing his brain! My younger horse has been fed on Calm & Condition since we’ve had him and has gained so much condition and extra energy. They are both feeling amazing and I really believe it’s due to a foundation of a really good, nutritious diet that you provide for them. Thank you!
    Amy Searle, Alfie & Harry - ID x TB & Dutch Warmblood
    Amy Searle
  • My favourite Allen & Page feed is Fast Fibre, it's great for the youngsters. I have often found that a simple high fibre diet that is balanced with essential vitamins and minerals is enough for them to successfully start their showjumping careers.
    Hayley Stevens, Warmblood
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  • Both our 27 year old veteran pony and 15 year old warmblood are thriving on a combination of Fast Fibre and Veteran Light. I couldn't be more pleased with the results I have had for two very different horses on A&P feeds!
    Catherine Boyd, Duchess & Rosie - Hannoverian and Dartmoor
    Catherine Duchess 18 06 15 4
  • Harrie is fed Power & Performance to give her the extra energy needed for competition and is looking fantastic. She has developed so much since being on it, and as she is still growing it helps her to keep developing. I love how I can build up how much she is getting before an event and drop it back down again after, so she is getting the
    energy levels she needs when competing.
    Georgie Kidner, Dark Diamond III
    Georgie Harrie
  • I bred Darcy and have owned her all her life, we have always used Allen & Page horse feeds. We feed plenty of Fast Fibre all year, just reducing slightly when the grass comes through. I found that it is the only feed that keeps Darcy in tip top condition throughout the year and in a sane manner for all activities. It is easy to use the she loves it and is also very reasonably priced.
    Louise Michaelides, Darcy - British Sports Horse
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